Živa Moravec

Alpe d'HuZes 2024



Cancer research is the only way to a cancer-free world. As researchers, we are doing our best to figure it out, but we need your support!

In the Netherlands, the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) is one of the leading non-governmental organizations that funds cancer research and makes our work possible. To help raise this much-needed money, we, colleagues from The Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL), decided to go big and form not one, not two, but nine Alpe d’HuZes teams and do our part!

As a PhD student in the lab of John Haanen, I am focusing my research on why particular cells of our immune system sometimes fail to see cancer cells. The implications of this research will help us understand how to improve treatment, such as immune checkpoint blockade or TIL therapy, for patients who currently do not respond to it. The search isn’t over until every cancer patient gets their cure!

Keep your eyes peeled for our fundraising events, and THANK YOU for your donations.

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5 April 2024

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Živa Moravec
29 January 2024

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